
Author Archives: Nicole Cook

In Profile with Tammy Pearce Operations Manager NSW & QLD


Tammy In Profile

In Profile with Tammy, Operations Manager: NSW & QLD

Tammy joined Empower in 2017, tasked with establishing the Home Care and Community Healthcare service. At the time the company existed only in metropolitan Melbourne and employed only three Home Care clinicians. Over the next four years Tammy spearheaded a thriving Home Care and NDIS service, established systems and supported the roll out of new service offerings in multiple States.

Empower Healthcare now has branches in Victoria, Western Australia, New South Wales and Queensland, employing 130 clinicians Nationally. Through this exciting and challenging time, Tammy has been building multiple services from the ground up.

She now brings this extensive experience and all the supports and systems of an established healthcare provider to QLD and NSW.

Why did you choose this role?

I always wanted to be the person to take Empower to QLD. In 2021, the Victorian service was well established with around 170 partners and I was ready to recreate the successes of our services in a new region.

Having built thriving Home Care services in Victoria and supported the same in WA & NSW, I knew I had the experience and knowledge to create a service that meets the need of clients in different States.

What personality trait makes you well suited to your work?

I’m patient and resilient. I love solving problems in innovative ways and I tend to take challenges and successes in my stride.

What sets Empower QLD apart?

In a word, communication. We prioritise relationship building- within our team and with care providers, case managers and clients. The result is better service provision and outcomes for clients.

What can care providers expect when they work with you?

Firstly, agility in meeting their client’s needs with quick turnaround times for referrals, assessments and treatments. In line with our Corporate values, I also insist on honesty and integrity throughout our services and in every aspect of our work. More than that, however, is that we place relationships and trust at the core of everything we do.

What motivates you in your work?

I have a passion for this company and I’ve seen the difference we make in the lives of the people we work with. The more people we reach, the greater the impact we can have for clients needing our services.

Is there a quote that motivates you?

“It always seems impossible – until it’s done”


Our Values



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Welcoming Osteopath Rebecca to the Empower Team

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Osteo Rebecca

Welcoming Rebecca to the Empower Team

We are pleased to welcome Osteopath Rebecca to our team of Allied Health clinicians. Bringing 15 years of experience working with clients across all life stages, Rebecca has a holistic approach to her practice in delivering effective, evidence-based Osteopathic techniques for people managing a variety of health conditions.

With an emphasis on understanding the goals of the people she sees, Rebecca tailors treatment programs to meet their individual needs and aspirations.

Rebecca enjoys the whole person approach of Osteopathy, and the way that gentle improvements to the body’s structure have a beneficial effect on function.
She is passionate about educating clients and providing exercises and lifestyle advice to achieve goals and enhance quality of life. Working with clients, their families and care providers to improve mobility, strength, pain and quality of life- not just for today, but for years to come.

When she is not working she enjoys playing with her kids outside, cooking up a storm in the kitchen or reading a good book.

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Continence Management with Empower Nurses

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Continence Assessments



Incontinence is a very common condition affecting 1 in 4 Australian adults.

The good news is that there are many ways that both bladder and bowel leaks and accidents can be treated and managed. With the help of nurses and other health care professionals, your clients can continue to live an active and independent life with dignity.


How we can help

Our nursing services involve support in the management of bladder and bowel control problems. We offer discreet services that aim to preserve dignity, reduce stress, and help people regain confidence so they can participate in daily activities and get you back to enjoying life.

Our support

We will take the time to fully assess your client and understand the challenges they face. We will conduct a Level 2 Basic Continence Assessment and then develop personalised plans and strategies to suit the persons lifestyle and goals.

Our Multidisciplinary Team support

Whilst our nurses provide continence treatment, they also have access and work closely with a large team of Allied Health therapists that can also provide additional continence care and intervention.


Our Dietitians assist with:
• urinary incontinence by monitoring fluid intake and providing recommendations for other bowel management strategies. Clients experiencing urinary incontinence tend to restrict fluid intake and this can contribute to poor health through dehydration and increase the occurrence of constipation.
• faecal incontinence by recommending a modified diet that can alleviate the urgency of bowel motions as well as assist clients with implementing a diet that will help with the frequency and consistency of bowel motions.
*Dehydration is a great risk in this group of clients.


Our Physiotherapists assist with:
• improving a client’s mobility and function so that they can access facilities in a timely manner
• utilise their continence aids safely.
• improve balance and coordination to assist with independent toileting
*We don’t have any specialist continence physios.

Occupational Therapists

Our Occupational Therapists assist with:
• routines based interventions – working on toileting routines
• strategies such as visual prompts and social stories to support understanding, reinforce routines and reduce anxiety
• understanding their sensory systems and interoception, so the person understands the body’s signals of when they need to go to the toilet.
• working towards independence with assistive technology eg. over toilet seats or commodes, Clothing adaptations
• educating clients family and formal supports.

Management depends on the type of incontinence, its aetiology, the severity of symptoms, as well as the consumers factors such as cognition, functional status and medical history. Our nurses have the clinical background and experience to advise options for suitable treatment approach for each individual to match their lifestyle and keep them at home longer.

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Catheter management

Medication management

Wound care


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Welcome Dietitian Maddie to our team

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Maddie Dietetic

Empower Healthcare is pleased to welcome Dietitian Maddie to our team!

Since graduating with a Masters of Dietetics, Maddie has worked with a broad range of clients across all life stages. Alongside experience in chronic disease management, Maddie has a passion for helping people develop healthy relationships with food. She brings varied and evidence-based expertise to her therapy sessions.

Of her person-centred approach to Dietetics, Maddie says:

I enjoy getting an insight into the role food plays in my clients’ lives and using this to assist them to reach their food and nutrition goals. I enjoy developing meaningful relationships with my clients and I have found this to be a crucial step in implementing successful nutrition interventions and therefore reaching my client’s desired nutrition outcomes.

When not working, Maddie is an avid cook who loves preparing delicious and nutritious meals for friends and family in her free time. She balances this with an active lifestyle, playing basketball and netball.

Maddie joining Empower is sure to be a recipe for success!

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Difficulty Swallowing?

What is Dysphagia

What is Dysphgia

Humans swallow at least 500 times a day. Like breathing, swallowing is a reflex that we don’t think about unless there is a problem with the process, this difficulty swallowing is known as dysphagia.

When challenges with swallowing do arise, they can cause distress and pose a significant risk to the health of the person who suddenly must consider every mouthful of food, sip of water or reflexive swallow.

What causes swallowing difficulties?
The most common causes of swallowing difficulties in adults arise from neurological conditions like stroke and Parkinson’s Disease. In children, developmental and congenital problems can affect swallowing and interfere with feeding and growth.

What are the warning signs for dysphagia?
Most of us will experience an episode of choking occasionally, luckily this is usually self-managed with a good amount of strong coughing and occasionally some help by those around us.

The real cause for concern is when these episodes occur frequently and do not resolve.

Other signs that swallowing is a problem are:
• an inability to swallow certain foods or liquids
• bringing food back up, sometimes through the nose
• a sensation that food is stuck in your throat or chest
• persistent drooling of saliva
• being unable to chew food properly
• a gurgly, wet-sounding voice when eating or drinking

Over time, dysphagia can also cause symptoms such as weight loss and repeated chest infections.

How do Speech Pathologists help people with swallowing difficulties?
Empower Speech Pathologists offer comprehensive swallowing services for people who are struggling with dysphagia and can help clients and their caregivers manage eating and drinking with less stress and more enjoyment by providing practical guidelines, recommendations, and therapy.

Empower’s Swallowing services include
• Full Swallowing assessments.
• Advice on posture and positioning for meals.
• Texture modification recommendations.
• Saliva Management
• Oral Motor Therapy.
• Compensatory strategies for safe swallowing.
• Mealtime Management Planning.
• Telehealth services and support.
• Education and training for clients, parents, carers, families, and support workers.

Our services can be accessed through a range of funding options and tailored to meet the needs of clients, participants and their caregivers.


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Nutrition and the immune system

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Immunity boosting foods

Winter has arrived for much of Australia, bringing lower temperatures and increased rates of seasonal colds and flu alongside the ongoing COVID pandemic.

One of the most powerful tools we have in maintaining good immune function and health during the winter months is our diet.

While there is no single food that ensures good immune function, eating to support a healthy immune system does not need to be complicated. Making sure your diet is varied and consist mainly of unprocessed foods will get you most of the way there.

For the rest, there are a few key micronutrients the have been identified as critical for the growth and function of immune cells, including:

Iron is a component of the enzymes needed for immune cell function.
Sources include red meat, beans, nuts and fortified breakfast cereals.

Vitamin A
Vitamin A helps protect against infections by keeping skin and the lining of the mouth, stomach, intestines, and respiratory system healthy.
Sources include orange and red fruits, and vegetables like carrots, apricots, and bell peppers.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C is vital for the formation of antibodies and white blood cells.
Sources include citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, and tomatoes.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D helps regulate antimicrobial proteins that can directly kill pathogens.
Sources include sunlight, fatty fish (like salmon), egg yolks, and fortified dairy.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects cell membranes from damage.
Sources include seeds, nuts, vegetables oils and peanut butter.

Zinc is needed for wound healing and supports immune response.
Sources include meats, whole grains, milk, seeds, and nuts.

Selenium is an essential trace mineral important for fighting infection and immune function.
Sources include seafood, Brazil nuts, red meat, and poultry.

The best place to get your nutrients is through foods but if you struggle getting everything you need through diet alone Dietitians can help with menu planning, food choice and supplementation if needed.

Finally, remember that diet is important but there are other things we can do to help our bodies fight infections and stay healthy. Getting enough sleep, reducing stress, and staying active all contribute to maintaining and improving resilience to infection and well-being during the colder months and throughout the year.


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Osteopathic holistic understanding of the body triggers healing

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At Empower our Osteopaths use their expert understanding of the body to help trigger healing for your clients.

By applying a combination of manual and mobilisation therapies, supplemented by focussed exercise therapies, Osteopaths can address areas of pain, weakness, restriction or strain in the body.

Welcome Osteopath Rebecca

Our new Osteopath Rebecca joins our team bringing 15 years of experience working with clients across all life stages. Rebecca has a holistic approach to her treatments delivering effective, evidence-based Osteopathic techniques for people managing a variety of health conditions.

Rebecca’s technique incorporates the Osteopathic emphasis on anatomy and biomechanics. She uses effective, evidence-based osteopathic techniques in combination with relevant lifestyle advice including exercise, diet, supplementation, psychological health, ergonomics, and posture.

A key part of her patient management is injury rehabilitation and prevention providing resources for long-term health. These include tailored home stretching and exercise programs, psychological wellbeing. Our Osteopaths liaise with other Empower health professionals to ensure timely rehabilitation and return to work and activities.

With an emphasis on understanding goals, Rebecca tailors’ treatment programs to meet clients’ individual needs and aspirations to improve mobility, strength, pain, and quality of life – not just for today, but for years to come. Rebecca will be covering the Victorian Southeast Mornington region.


 Biopsychosocial Model of Health

The biopsychosocial model of health diagram

Source: researchgate.net


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Falls can be caused by foot problems – Podiatry has the solutions

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Podiatry Falls

Foot problems are a leading cause of falls. Research shows that good podiatric care can significantly reduce the rate of falls for people living at home.

Falls are a major cause of injury with 43% of hospitalisation caused by falls and over half of all fall injuries involve a fracture. Reduced sensation, circulation and strength in the feet and lower legs can increase the risk of falling for people who may otherwise be living independent and comfortable lives on their own terms.

If these problems are accompanied by pain, everyday tasks and movement may become unmanageable, negatively affecting quality of life. Common foot conditions that can contribute to a fall include arthritis, heel pain, weakness, toe deformity, and decreased range of motion in the joints of the foot.

Podiatrist can help by
• Assessing the feet and legs of people who have a history of foot problems or falls.
• Conducting specific neurovascular foot assessments.
• Providing advice and recommendations for appropriate and well-fitting shoes.
• Implementing effective pain management strategies.
• Prescribing foot and ankle strengthening exercises.
• Providing complete toenail care.
• Introducing aids and tools to promote independence in safely tying shoelaces and putting on socks and hosiery.
• Providing comprehensive diabetic foot care.

Our Podiatrist also work with people on foot self-care where possible for the management of common foot conditions. By treating the causes of falling, Empower Podiatrist can help keep people on their feet.

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Empower welcomes Heather to our NSW Occupational Therapy Team

Heather NSW OT blog

Heather NSW OT

We are pleased to welcome Heather to our NSW Occupational Therapy Team

Heather is a confident and meticulous Occupational Therapist who enjoys finding person-centered solutions that empower clients to live their most independent, active and fulfilling lives.
Having worked in NDIS home-based settings as well as in work place environments, Heather has a holistic view of rehabilitation, inclusion and access issues faced by people at home, in communities and at work.
With experience in Functional Capacity, Sensory and Housing assessments, Heather also brings established therapy skills in capacity building, rehabilitation, assistive technology prescription and home modifications for clients in a variety of settings including school, homes and clinics in Sydney.
She says:
I am excited by the diverse nature of Occupational Therapy. I enjoy meeting new people, hearing their stories and helping them find meaningful activity and purpose to improve their quality of life and achieve their personal goals.
When not at work, Heather loves spending her time with friends and family exploring new places, eating great food and indulging in her best relaxation activity – watching Ru Paul’s Drag Race!


How To Get Clients Started With Our Home Care & NDIS Services

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At home catheter care provided by Empower Nurses

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It is possible to live an independent and active life with a catheter and Empower’s nurses are ready to help clients and their families.

Our nurses are trained to deliver best practice catheter care with dignity to help people maintain the life they are accustomed to.

Our skilled nurses are fully trained to deliver care for all three types of catheters:
• Male
• Female
• Suprapubic

For people who rely on catheters, having a routine to care for the catheter is an important part of living a full life without the common complications that a catheter use can cause. Empower nurses deliver person centred, individualised catheter care to every client beginning with a comprehensive assessment at home.

Our nurses assess the level of support, education and care needed and work with clients and their families to set goals and develop management plans to suit their individual needs.

Good catheter care starts with good nursing care.

Our catheter care routines help users:

Reduce Urinary Tract Infections

By regularly emptying bags and performing hygiene activities like good hand washing, people who use catheters can reduce the likelihood of infection. Developing habits of adequate water consumption can also help to reduce bacterial infection risk and keep the system functioning optimally.

Eliminate Leakage

Regular emptying of bags is necessary to reduce the chance of overflow leakage. Having established fluid consumption routines can also help with the management of urine output.

Avoid Kidney damage

Reducing the load on the kidneys by allowing complete bladder voiding protects kidney function.

Live a full life 
A well-established routine can allow people who rely on catheterisation to lead full and active lifestyles with the freedom to work, travel, exercise and socialise knowing that their bodies are well cared for.

Having a plan and support is vital for developing routines when taking care of a catheter system. Our experienced nurses help people to ensure the best care for their catheters while meeting their lifestyle needs and goals. After all, catheterisation should allow people to focus on the things in life that really matter and enable them to live life their own way.


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Medication management

Wound care


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