
Relocate to Australia with Empower: Read about Briony’s experience

Empower Healthcare has been helping Healthcare professionals relocate to Australia from the beginning.

Offering relocation assistance and sponsorships, Empower support clinicians through the process of registration and settling into a rewarding career in cities across Australia.

We have flexible employment arrangements to suit any life stage and attain the perfect work life balance for you. Our model of care allows for quality time with patients and clients, delivering the best outcomes for the people we see and the most rewarding work life for our therapists and clinicians.

With some of the best after tax wages worldwide and built in superannuation/pension, Australian Healthcare workers spend less time worrying about bills and more time soaking up the sun and outdoor lifestyle.

Read about Brinoy’s experience:

 Briony, Physiotherapist. Originally from South Africa.

How long have you worked at Empower?

I started working for Empower in June 2018, so that’s 5 years.

Relocating is a big step – why Australia and why Empower?

My young family and I were looking to move to a country that would allow us to live the outdoor lifestyle we love while providing us all with the opportunities we wanted in our careers and education.

I’m not sure if I found Empower or Empower found me?

I think we found each other. I needed a supportive workplace that would allow me to balance my family’s needs with my career. I was immediately paired with a mentor who helped me negotiate registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Registration Agency (AHPRA) and the unfamiliar aspects of the Australian healthcare system.

What makes Empower the right place for you?

Empower’s core values align with my own professional and personal ethics,

I wanted to make a difference wherever I worked and being part of the Empower team has allowed me to do that while living the lifestyle I had dreamed of when we decided to move to Australia.

How has Empower assisted your professional/career development?

Wow, in so many ways. Firstly, in attaining full registration in Australia, Empower assisted with funding and with the time off I needed. I have worked in community and residential settings at Empower, had the opportunity to move into leadership and mentorship roles and deliver webinars for our clients. I have also been supported in return to work after maternity leave with work flexibility and very supportive colleagues, HR and management.

What do you love most about working at Empower?

Everything at Empower has been developed to deliver the best possible healthcare for our patients, that attracts a certain kind of person to work here, so I have great colleagues. No matter what we face, the solution always comes down to what is best for the people we care for. That’s a very clarifying way to approach work. What’s best for our patients is to have healthy, happy, well-trained clinicians helping them reach their goals.

That means good wages, supportive work environments, work arrangements that suit our lifestyles and easily accessible PD.

What would you say to someone thinking about relocating to Australia with Empower?

I’ve never met anyone who has regretted it. It is challenging at times but everything worth doing is challenging. One day you will find yourself sipping a flat white, sitting on a bench in the sunshine overlooking the ocean, on your break between patients and you will realise how lucky you are to be here.

If you, or someone you know would like further details, email your Expression of Interest to people@empowerhealthcare.com.au


Why Briony Watt Enjoys Working for Empower Healthcare  



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