
Relocate to Australia with Empower: Read about Eloise’s experience

Relocate to AUST GC

Empower Healthcare has been helping Healthcare professionals relocate to Australia from the beginning.

Offering relocation assistance and sponsorships, Empower support clinicians through the process of registration and settling into a rewarding career in cities across Australia.

We have flexible employment arrangements to suit any life stage and attain the perfect work life balance for you. Our model of care allows for quality time with patients and clients, delivering the best outcomes for the people we see and the most rewarding work life for our therapists and clinicians.

With some of the best after tax wages worldwide and built in superannuation/pension, Australian Healthcare workers spend less time worrying about bills and more time soaking up the sun and outdoor lifestyle.

Read about Eloise’s experience:

Eloise, Relationship Manager/ Business Development Manager. Originally from Southampton England.

How long have you worked at Empower?
I started working for Empower in Aug 2020, nearly 3 years ago.

Relocating is a big step – why Australia and why Empower?
I originally planned to come to Australia for a year and came on a working holiday Visa, I have loved it so much I have been here 6 years and am underway applying for permanent residency.

At the time in England  my husband and I had good jobs but we weren’t totally happy thinking there has to be more to life than getting a mortgage in the town we grew up in. So I convinced my husband to come to Australia for a year. Needless to say he now loves it too and both of us have progressed in both our careers and life.

We have been on so many Oz adventures, Aussies joke I’ve seen more of it than they have. I love my job but I also love being able to experience new things and I have the best work/ life balance I have ever had.

Not to mention the wages in Aus generally for all occupations are better, even with the cost of living most people are better off financially in Australia.

Australia has miles better weather than the UK (think the longest summers of your life.)

Melbourne still gets the different seasons so you don’t have to miss out on Autumn leaves and some rain but much much less!

Everyone seems happier in the sun and Melbourne is a buzzing beautiful city, with so many breathtaking places to visit in Victoria. Australia offers a really outdoorsy lifestyle, I live a 10 minute walk from the beach and there are lots of free things to do for families including free BBQs everywhere in beautiful parks. I will also never get over how incredible the wildlife is – think colourful exotic birds flying round your house as if they were just pigeons! Or kangaroos bouncing around on your weekend trip to the country.

Empower found me, much like it seems they have found you!  They were and are so supportive and despite having to wait for me, said they found the right person and were determined to wait for me to start with them. Not only that Empower have also been helping me with my permanent residency application – I don’t feel like just a number, you will be well supported at Empower.

What makes Empower the right place for you?
I wanted to work for a company I could get behind and be passionate about growing, I genuinely believe and know we change lives.

We have so many amazing clinicians that transform people’s quality of lives in the community.

Everyone in the team genuinely wants the best for clients and each other. Who wouldn’t want to work for a company making such a positive impact?

How has Empower assisted your professional/career development?
Empower took a chance on me with a wealth of Healthcare experience but no Aged care experience, I now head up both our Residential aged care Clients and our Home Care clients looking after aged care facility owners, facility managers and case managers. Empower taught me everything I know about this industry and always encourage learning through industry webinars and publications.

What do you love most about working at Empower?
I love that I am trusted and that when I suggest improvements they are actually listened too. We have a great process improvement team and so many great initiatives have been launched off the back of feedback I have personally given. I’ve worked for large corporates in the past and sometimes I would find suggestions for improvements could get lost up the corporate ladder, in a head office in a different country. People are Empowers greatest assets they know that and genuinely want to hear your ideas about how we can strive for better always.

My colleagues are amazing, and we really do have a “shared purpose” to make people’s lives better.

What would you say to someone thinking about relocating to Australia with Empower?
If before I lived here, Australia came knocking on my door when I was in the UK I would have jumped at the chance. I have made so many friends here who originated from all over the world. Both myself and my husband have grown as people, been on more adventures than we could ever have imagined and have family lined up to want to come out and visit us.

Everyone should try living in a different country at least once, Australia is a home from home from the UK and I am so excited for you! If you want someone to have your back with relocation/ settling in Empower is a brilliant company to do that with.


If you, or someone you know would like further details, email your Expression of Interest to people@empowerhealthcare.com.au




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