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Have you considered Group Therapy?

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Have you considered Group Therapy?

Attending group therapy is a great alternative or additional service for people living with a disability or chronic health condition. Therapy groups can help to combat feelings of isolation and boredom while facilitating learning and skill development.

Group Therapy programs are carefully developed to suit the needs of the participants with emphasis on learning, skill development, improved independence, and social support. The Dietitians, Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists who run therapy groups assess the individual needs of participants and tailor group sessions to benefit all those who attend.

Proven benefits of Group Therapy include:

  • Interacting with others experiencing similar circumstances enriches the learning experience.
  • Working and learning in a group allows the opportunity to learn from peers.
  • Providing a sense of support.
  • Improved motivation, while decreasing social isolation and depression.
  • Increased coping skills and mood.
  • Improved life satisfaction.
  • Effective skill development that is cost effective and convenient.

Group therapy can be utilised for cooking, activities of daily living, social skills development, exercise, and education.

This fun, social and effective way to learn and improve skills and function can be funded through the NDIS and conveniently provided by mobile therapists in many different settings from group homes, day services and community houses to retirement villages and gyms.

Call 13000 HELPU or 1300 043 578 to find out more about our programs and how to access group therapy services through Empower Healthcare.


Promoting Independence At Home and in the Community

At Empower Healthcare, we are passionate about promoting the independence and quality of life of people living, studying, and working at home and in the community.

We know that our clients have their own goals, dreams and ambitions and that achieving them is a journey that takes time and consistency, that’s why our organisation is shaped around a commitment to continuity of staff for clients. We believe that people get better outcomes when they can build strong relationships and trust with the clinicians who treat them.

Changing Lives With Exceptional Care

We understand that our clients have needs and goals that are as unique as they are. Our focus is on tailoring therapy and nursing support to suit each individual we see. We acknowledge that when choosing us, our clients expect services that place dignity, integrity, and respect at their core. We achieve this by approaching things differently – by delivering innovative, high-quality therapy solutions that constantly evolve to exceed the needs of our clients and their communities. Our service model integrates five service commitments that empower clients to improve their independence, quality of life, and ability to live, work and thrive in their own homes and communities.

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How To Get Clients Started With Our NDIS Services

Simply click on the image below for our referral form.

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